KP Logistik - Sustainability in Transport
„What we do today determines what the world will look like tomorrow.“
-Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach-
With this in mind, we began early on to sustainably reduce our ecological footprint.
Reducing fuel consumption is the top priority for a freight forwarder. Our motto is to combine sustainability and profitability. We have not just been doing this since yesterday. Already in the early 90’s we were able to reduce our emissions by using double-deck trailers to significantly increase the capacity utilization for our customers. In doing so, we offer suitable vehicles for every type of freight – from city trucks to gigaliners. After all, optimal capacity utilization avoids unnecessary emissions.
Furthermore, we continuously adapt our fleet to the most modern standard. In 2012, for example, we converted our fleet to a diesel-LPG mix. This not only enabled us to sustainably reduce our fuel consumption, but also improve our eco-balance. In addition, hybrid trucks were commissioned at our Danish site in 2017, enabling us to reduce CO2 emissions by around 85%.
Based on our positive experience with gas propulsion, a radical decision was made in 2019 to convert the entire fleet at our German sites to LNG propulsion. At that time, we had the largest gas-powered fleet in Germany. To date, KP Logistik is the only freight forwarder in Germany that has converted all tractor units from diesel to LNG without exception.

Due to the lack of LNG infrastructure in Denmark, we decided to invest in CNG technology here. Both types of drive show a reduction of 15% CO2 emissions, 95% particulate matter and 70% nitrogen oxides (NOx) compared to a conventional diesel drive. In addition, the vehicle’s noise emissions are noticeably lower. Since we run exclusively on bio-gas in Denmark, we can virtually neutralize CO2 emissions thanks to the more climate-friendly production method.
In 2020, we successfully established ourselves as a transporter in the cross-border transport of LNG. For our customers, we thus secure the supply of LNG to commercial vehicle filling stations and play our part in enabling more and more trucking companies to convert their fleets to more environmentally friendly LNG trucks. To this end, we are supplying a steadily increasing number of LNG filling stations across Europe.
Since 2022, we have been continuously equipping our tractor units with auxiliary power units. These make it possible to use energy sources already available during the journey to power our refrigeration machines on the trailers. As a result, we no longer consume a drop of diesel for this purpose!
We are also climate-friendly off the road. The solar power plant in Køge and the electrification of the parking spaces for refrigerated trailers at all locations are particularly worthy of mention.

To reduce paper consumption and thus deforestation, we have been using electronic freight documents since 2020. With the help of a tablet, the driver receives all the necessary information and we can dispense with paper for our long-standing customers.
To offset our remaining CO2 emissions, we have been working with Planetly since 2020. Planetly determined our carbon footprint and worked with us to find a project to offset our emissions.
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